As 2024 comes to a close, like most people, I start to reflect on the events of the past year. I have had my share of ups and downs, normalcy and crazy curveballs. But through it all, I have seen the grace and mercy of my loving Father, who never gives up on me. I am so incredibly thankful for all this year has taught me and look forward to what the Lord has in store for 2025!
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Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood. People tried. I joined Facebook groups. Like, a lot of them. All designed to help a new, single momma navigate the adventures of motherhood and foster care. I had mentally prepared for elementary-aged kids because that was where my 'experience' was. But the infant stage is no joke! There has been more laughter and tears in my home in the last 4 months than there has been in a long time. And more cups of coffee that went cold and got lost throughout the house 🤣. But, I wouldn't have had it any other way. I've learned a lot about myself, the faithfulness of the Father, and what it means to raise a tiny person to love the Lord and others well. I am so very thankful for family and friends who are there for the weird questions, the tears, and the crazy excitement over milestones reached. Thank you!! Y'all, February 2024 has been one for the books! So many changes have taken place in my household, that I find myself spinning much of the time. Through it all, I have seen the goodness of the Lord and love how He knows so much more than I ever could! On February 5th, I received a call from Agape Harbor about this sweet little girl. While it started as a 2-week respite stay, this past Monday, February 19th, I officially said yes to full placement.
What's your word for 2024?
I know, I know, it's a bit of a Christian trend, but it's one that I really like. Like most people do in December, I started looking back at the last year. It was a really good year, full of travel, Bible teachings, family restoration, a very intense foster care journey, and new friends. Probably one of the best years I've had in a long time And yet, full transparency, I struggled in some areas. Why did I have to jump through so many hurdles in foster care? Why was it so hard to make friends? Why was it so expensive to live here? I was complaining to the Lord one week, and He, lovingly, took a chancla to the back of my head.
This past summer has been one for the books! Visits with friends and family, AAALLL things Bible, lots of fun surprises, and the best, most unexpected gift from the Lord. There is no way to adequately communicate all of the cool things that happened, but here are some of the highlights~
I went huckleberry picking early Saturday morning. I had flown into Lakeside, Montana a few days ahead of our Bible conference, so I could assist with the set up. It didn’t take as long as we anticipated, so one of my friends invited me to go pick huckleberries on a little dirt road further up the mountain. It sounded like a really unique experience, since these berries only grow for a short season in this one region of Montana. I knew going into it that I might not be able to pick a lot, since they are small bushes that like the steep sides of mountains and I have knees that don’t always cooperate. It was the experience I was going for, and I knew the view overlooking the valley would be spectacular.
I have been absolutely amazed at how much the Lord is moving in various areas of my life, both personally and in ministry. What started out as small dreams and ideas are now growing and maturing. It's funny, the older I get, the more I am okay with simply waiting for God's timing to make things grow. His plans are infinitely better than mine!
This past weekend, a bunch of our staff went to a retreat center a couple of hours north of Corpus Christi. It was such a sweet time together. We had long times of worship and prayer, reviewing the past year and casting vision for what is coming, and generally spending time together having fun. My biggest take-away was the importance of putting Jesus first in everything and allowing Him to refine the parts of me that are not completely sold out for and to Him.
Check out the song list from our first night of the retreat: I have absolutely loved the last few months here in Corpus Christi! As I was planning out this blog, it struck me how much of what has happened since August has been new. New schools, new ministry, new opportunities, and new life. It's a wonderful time to celebrate all of the new things that the Lord is doing! In September, we launched our first ever DTS! While we may have a smaller school than most of us have ever been a part of, we see God's sweet hand in this time. Most of us are participating in the school in same fashion, whether it's staffing, leading times of evangelism and soaking worship, helping with the sailing track, or assisting with kitchen support (that's me!). It's been a time of growing together as a pioneering base. Added bonus for having one of my friends, Wayne Fife, come down from my home church to teach. That was pretty special!
The DTS is currently in their 9th week and are headed to YWAM South Texas for a week. They will be learning about evangelism and then putting it into practice working with refugees across the border. Then, at the beginning of December, they head to YWAM Derby (England) for their 2 month field assignment. Please keep them in prayer as they prepare for their ministry time there. Praise Report!I have officially moved into my new apartment! I got the keys on July 22nd and with the help of some seriously awesome friends and co-laborers, moved all of my belongings across the parking lot to the new place. It has been a crazy 6 weeks of packing, cleaning, unpacking, and organizing, but I am so thankful! On the night I moved in, we all sat around eating pizza and praying over the apartment - that it would be a place of peace and refuge for those who visit (and future kiddos who come to live). Already there is a sense of peace here. My favorite spot is sitting on my couch, looking out my living room window at the green mesquite tree swaying in the wind. A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the move, whether it was helping with moving expenses, supporting me in prayer, or helping me lug all my belongings across the parking lot!
It's true, I am a perfectionist. Most people who know me well would not be shocked by this declaration. I've always believed in the importance of doing my best and striving for excellence in everything I do. It wasn't until recently, while crying through the study of Ephesians in the Bible Core Course that I am doing, that the Lord showed me where this perfectionism stemmed from.
As a high school student, I was relentless in my studies. Not because I wanted to learn more or had a great hunger for knowledge, but because I was afraid of failure. Afraid that if I didn't get good grades, that somehow I wasn't good enough. The pressure I put on myself was insane. I would take ridiculous notes in every class and then go home and rewrite them until they looked perfect. On an assignment, quiz, or exam, if I didn't get a perfect score, I would cry and berate myself. Since the score wasn't perfect, somehow I wasn't perfect. Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I grew up in a Christian home and read the Bible stories surrounding Christmas every year, but never thought about it in these terms. This past Sunday, Pastor Mike from New Life Church in Corpus, shared some insights we can take from Luke 1:5-38. It spoke to my heart so much that I wanted to share it with you. If you have been struggling with understanding God's faithfulness, unanswered prayers, doubt, or frustration, this may speak to your heart as well. Gabriel's Announcement to Zachariah Zachariah, a priest in the temple, and his wife, Elizabeth, walked faithfully with God. Scripture tells us that they were righteous in God's eyes and were careful to obey all of the Lord's commandments and regulations. It also tells us that they were not able to have children, in a time when being "barren" meant you or your husband had sinned and were being punished. Regardless of what others believed of them or how they felt, they continued doing what the Lord asked of them. They were faithful. Then on an ordinary day, doing exactly what he did on a normal basis, Zachariah was met by the angel, Gabriel, announcing the answer to his and Elizabeth's prayers. They were going to have a child. "It is in a place of faithfulness |
AuthorA flawed and imperfect girl who loves a perfect and gracious God. Archives
June 2024